I’m excited to be linking up with Deanna Jump’s Book Talk Tuesday.
I’m also linking up with Speech is Sweet for Wild About Books Wednesday and Book Talk Thursday with Lifelong Learning. Be sure to check out these link-ups if you enjoy reading blog posts about books.
Have you ever read any of the Look-Alikes or Look-Alikes Jr. books by Joan Steiner? These books are so cool and they’re great for both kids and adults. They remind me of I Spy books, but, instead, you’re looking for everyday objects. In the Look-Alikes Jr. books, there are more than 700 hidden everyday objects. In the non-Jr. versions, there are more than 1000 hidden everyday objects in the pictures.
Can you find the cinnamon sticks in the living room picture above? The answer is below. My kids have been engaged for long periods of time looking through these books. It’s fun to find everyday objects like coins, pretzels, crayons, leaves, candy pieces, puzzle pieces, etc. that all make up a scene.
One thing I especially enjoy is that there are objects that kids might not have seen before (like a roll of camera film). Some of these objects bring back memories for adults. For example, you might see a pin cushion just like your mom had (I did). These books are great for building and developing vocabulary, especially if you’re reading right alongside your child.
There are words on each page, like these from “Look-Alikes Jr.”:
“Here’s the bedroom and the bathroom as well. The sink in the bathroom looks like a SHELL.”
I’ve found these books available at my local library as well as on amazon. I hope you get a chance to look through one of these books at some point. As the tagline of the book reads, “the more you look, the more you see.”
~ Carrie
p.s. The cinnamon sticks are the logs in the fireplace.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I have several students in mind who would LOVE this 🙂
Thanks Jen!
Thank you for linking up! I’ve never seen this book series before, but it looks awesome! I’ll need to invest in some of these – they look great for vocabulary! :).. I love the premise of your blog! I’ll definitely be following!
Scarlett, Speech Is Sweet
Thanks for hosting, Scarlett!
This seems like a great series! I will have to look into this for increasing expressive language skills for some students! I saw that you are also on Pinterest! I will be following you there, as well! ~Kim Jarvis, School SLP
Thanks for stopping by, Kim!
I will have to check out this book for sure. My children (even though they are 10, 12 and 14) LOVE this kind of books.
Can’t wait for my next trip to the local library! Thank you for sharing.
Always a Teacher & Forever a Mom
Definitely, Catia!